Office & team

The office

While a pencil is indispensable to an architect, for a designer, it is not an essential tool. What makes or gives meaning to the design he or she creates lies well upstream, in his or her imagination.  And the more that imagination is harnessed by a willingness to listen and observe, a desire to combine needs and expectations, and to consult the necessary experts, the more the resulting design will be the outcome of many and complementary influences, whether the design applies to the exterior, the interior or an object.

At Claisse Architectures, we value this approach. We believe in designs whose balance, elegance and very soul will stand the test of time. Buildings where everyone feels at home, and which add beauty, harmony and well-being to their surroundings. Interior spaces that give rein to dreams and ways of living. Iconic objects, refined and inspiring, playful and personalised, that embody the spirit of the place. We create a dialogue between the objects and the buildings that house them, between inside and outside, between the wishes of our customers and the heartbeat of the city.

And this is how it has been since 1976, when Joël Claisse Architectures was founded. Joël Claisse was an architect, town planner, designer, author, lecturer and the recipient of numerous awards and honours. His work was far-reaching and inspiring.

Today, our team is building on these solid foundations when conceiving each space and each object.  They work with passion, rigour and boldness, and with particular attention to those details that create or recreate extraordinary places and objects.

The team

Portait de Benjamin Debacker

« The architect’s vocation is to reveal the beautiful, find meaning, but above all to respect the soul of the building and provide a place of well-being and calm for the client. »

Benjamin Debacker

Architect – Partner

Portrait de Olivier Vitry

« Each project is a story of dialogue, of personal dreams, of the exceptional. »

Olivier Vitry

IR Architect Designer – Partner

« Architecture is about creating places where people find happiness. »

Liliane Knopes


« We design buildings and spaces, with simplicity and clarity, while remaining warm and emotional. »


Architect – Associate

Portrait de Florian Masson

« The ability to listen is fundamental to our work.  Ideas bounce off each other and move the project forward. »

Florian Masson

Architect – Associate

« Beautiful designs that meet clients’ expectations: that’s the challenge of our work.  »


Architect – Associate

« We design projects in close dialogue with our clients, rather like a composer. We then implement them, thanks to the contractors, rather like a conductor of an orchestra directing the musicians. »


Architect – Associate

« Considering architecture as a medium for human emotions is the starting point for our reflections. »


Architect – Associate

« Managing to align architectural design, details and elegance, from meeting with the client to the smallest detail, is a constant but inspiring challenge. »


Architect – Intern